Try On Policy
JMWEEKENDRENTAL has a try on service at our Thomastown boutique.
ABN: 58 907 727 482
Try on bookings can be made via the "Book Now" tab on our Instagram profile or via the link above. You will be able to select a Day & Time suitable for you, from what is available.
Try on bookings are secured with a $15 service fee payment. The $15 service fee payment is deducted from any booking made by 11:59pm on the day of your try on booking appointment. This can be done in store during your appointment, or online before the discount expires. If a booking is not made during the 30 minute try on booking or by 11:59pm on the day of your try on, this payment is non refundable and cannot be used to any booking made after this specified time.
When booking, please specify the 'Event Date', 'Size' and any specific 'Garments' in the relevant fields. This helps us determine if you desired items will be in store for your appointment and also available for your event date. You are also more than welcome to just select 'Browsing' if you do not have anything specific in mind.
New clients who do not have a customer account on our website will be required to set one up in store at the beginning of their appointment. Please bring your ID in store as per our terms and conditions.
Try on bookings are strictly 30 minutes per client. This includes trying garments and making a booking if required. If we have a spare change room and you require additional time, this is more than fine! However keep in mind if we are booked back to back, we cannot guarantee there will be a change room for you to use if you require additional time after your scheduled appointment time.
Booking a try on does not reserve any item for the clients appointment or event date. We will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible if availability changes.
If any damages or additional cleaning required occur during a try on, JMWEEKENDRENTAL reserves the right to enforce our terms and conditions regarding payments towards repair of damages and/or cleaning. If you see any stains or faults prior to trying on, please notify our staff immediately before trying on the garment.
Please avoid attending your appointment with with fresh tan, heavy makeup or strong perfume to avoid any damages or additional cleaning required.
If the client is bringing someone to their try on appointment who also wishes to try on garments, the $15 service fee will be required to be paid by each individual.
The $15 service fee in non refundable for cancellations under any circumstances other than if JMWEEKENDRENTAL cancels the booking.
The $15 service fee can be transferred to a new booking if rescheduled 48 hours+ to the original appointment time. Once a client has rescheduled an appointment once, they will not be able to reschedule again within any time frame unless a new service fee is paid.
Any rescheduling of the original booking within 48 hours require a new service fee to be paid to secure the new appointment.
If a client is running late to their appointment time, the allocated time cannot be extended unless available and the service fee is non refundable. The client understands that we cannot guarantee additional availability for an extended appointment.
If the client is running late to their appointment time, please let us know so we can reschedule if needed due. to insufficient time. This will follow the above cancellation and/or rescheduling conditions.
If the clients desired item is booked for their event date by another client prior to their try on booking and they wish to cancel their booking, their $15 service fee will be refunded.
If you have not written specific garments in the booking, and the garments you wish to try on are not available when you arrive, you will not be refunded. If you decide on additional garments AFTER you have made a booking, you can let us know via text prior to your appointment. Please note; if you have messaged us to enquire about availability but have not written the desired garment(s) in your booking, your request may be missed.
Walk ins are available, however subject to availability. Please note our opening hours can be altered on occasion, so we recommend enquiring before arriving.
Walk ins are still subject to pay the $15 appointment fee and provide relevant ID and contact details. If you wish to just browse our collection, we recommend doing so online before arriving to avoid disappointment.
Pre booked appointments will take priority to walk ins, so you may be asked to clear your change room after a certain time to accomodate an upcoming appointment.
If you have any further questions about booking a try on, feel free to contact us!
You will receive a confirmation email once you have booked your appointment, and a text reminder 24 hours before the scheduled time. We will also send out a detailed information text the day before your appointment also.